Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring in California!

I can feel it!  I can hear it!  I can smell it!  Spring is in the air.  I just want to be outdoors, but I can't seem to find the time to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather.  So this afternoon I just took the time.  Here are a few shots of spring in California.
   Here's a picture of our garden plot.  I want to be out there planning our garden!  Why do I always seem to get stuck inside?
It's citrus season here in Cali!  These are the best tangerines EVER!!
 I couldn't resist snapping this picture of the new grass.
Ok!  Tomorrow, I'm totally out there!!


  1. I love the California springtime. Everything is sooooo green and all the blossoms are blooming on the fruit and nuts trees. Yes, spring is in the air! I love it! Lets get to diggin'.

  2. Glad you are also gardening...What have you guys planted so far?

  3. Our garden is looking quite nice! I really should put up some pictures! we have LOTS of tomatoes, several kinds of potatoes, peppers, beets, eggplant, a few herbs, watermelon, zucchinis, yellow straight neck, garlic, and onions, and 3 kinds of cucumbers! We should be eating zucchinis by the end of the week! :)
