Sunday, March 18, 2012

Repurposed skirt #2!

Check out this cute skirt I found for a couple dollars at the thrift store! Cute, but not really my style. Don't you just love that fabric though?

I've been wanting to try sewing a dress for anastasia, but I had no idea where to start. Of course I could just go buy a pattern, but that's too easy. haahaa  I found one of anastasia's dresses that looked pretty simple to make and traced it out on butcher paper.

At first I laid the dress out flat and traced around the whole dress. Then I realized it would be much better to fold it in half, making both sides of the dress even. Duh!! Remember, I'm learning so don't laugh. :) I did this with the front and back of the dress.

I cut the lining off the skirt then pinned the pattern to it, making sure to lay the folded edge of the pattern on the folded edge of the fabric. I also did this with the front and back of the patchwork. I then had 4 pieces of fabric, front and back of the lining, and front and back of the patchwork.

Back of the dress
Front of lining

Next I pinned and sewed the front and back lining together down the side. Then I did the same thing with the patchwork fabric.

Next I ironed the seams open on both the lining and the patchwork.

Then I pinned the right side of the top fabric to the right side of the lining.

I sewed about a 1/4 in. seam all around the arm holes and neck. Then turned it right side out.

I turned the hem of the lining and patchwork under by about 1/4 in. and then top stitched all around.

Almost done!!!

I then picked out buttons so I would know how big to make my button holes.

Then I measured and did my best on the button holes. I think I need more practice in that area! It bothers me that they aren't perfect!

Last of all, I sewed on the buttons on!!

But, wait! The dress needs to have a headband to go with it!

Headband tutorial...

This is pretty much from my own head, so I'm quite sure there are better ways to do it.

I cut the hem off the skirt since it was nicely folded already and was the perfect width. I cut it to 21 1/2 in. because I wanted the fabric to bunch up on the elastic a bit.

I pinned and then stitched a 1/4 in. seam. Then turned it right side out and ironed.

Next I cut the elastic 16 in. long and then attached a safety pin to one end to help feed it through the tube.

Once through the tube, I stitched the elastic and fabric together to hold it in place.

Then I stitched together the elastic from the left side to the one on the right making a circle.

I pulled the extra fabric over the elastic to cover it up, and sewed it in place. Cute headband! But, I wanted a bow on it!

Again, I had no idea how to make a bow, so I played around a bit! I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but this is what I did.

I first cut out 2 square pieces of fabric and pinned right sides together.

Then I sewed all around it, leaving a small little opening to turn it right side out. Be sure to snip the extra fabric in the corners.

Then I top stitched all around it. I had an extra little piece of tubing I had sewed for something else that didn't really work out. I slipped the square into it and it made a cute little bow!!

Then I secured it to the band. And it's done!!

Do you want to see it all together?!!

Yeah I'm pretty proud of it!! I still can't believe I just made this!! It was so much easier than I thought it would be!


  1. WOW! I love it!!! I'm gonna do that sometime!! you did a great time!

    1. Thanks Sarah! It was so fun! For sure you should try it! It's so easy!

  2. Yay!!!! Congratulations lizzy!!! I am super excited to get this hand-me-down!!! :)

    1. Thanks Merry! You know! It will be Adriana's next! ;) lucky you! Heehee

  3. Wow Lizzy, it looks so pretty on Anastasia. I really like it!!

  4. I need to live closer so we can do this type of thing together and not from across the united states. Miss upu

  5. That would be so fun! Wish we were closer too! Someday! Miss you girl!
